Monday, 6 September 2010

Roses to the Blackened Heart…

Dreamy eye’s, Searching Faces,
Hopes against the hopeless mind,
Myopia Dreams-broken windowpanes,
The Angel stare at the pure light,
The Devil Sparks the Craving Heart.

Take me away to the Realm of your own Device,
Bind with voice of Enchantment-and send me to a dream,
Pain the Blacken heart with you fairness,
How can pain be a pleasure,yet when we are blind.
From our own dreams.

It’s all a dream, a mist in the dawn,
How could the moon glow,without the sun.
And if the two eye’s met  what would they say ?
What would decay ? What would be made ?
What would be the ending at the end of our time…



Gara-Yaka made no comment when he passed this note to me scribbled on a Doughnut Paper Bag(Doughnut half eaten). After finishing the doughnut, well i thought of putting up the poem… Pooh.. Gara-Yaka, the poet.. LoL.


  1. Ha Ha Ha ..........
    Romantic Gara Yaka....Ha Ha Ha

  2. Hope that end would be marvelous one....
    With her....oops....or some knw..
    frgot...With special degree....

  3. Pala pala.. Umba danna 'Special' eka.. :-P

  4. nicely worked out man, written with true feeling n exact words (well, da feeling lasted nt for long though,i guess :P )... U have a great future buddy.....
